Solving the Leaky Organization

Published on January 5, 2022

A PXT Select™ blog post from Nov. 2019 nails it – the biggest reasons that people leave organizations. It seemed their predictions were prescient, given the Nov. 2021 jobs report of 4.5 million people voluntarily leaving their jobs. Why do people leave, and how to you solve the problem, when so many factors are not in your control?

A number of reasons are given, from poor job fit to poor manager fit, to poor team fit. For instance, how well have you described the requirements and success factors of each position? What kinds of attributes are necessary to succeed in each role, regardless of experience in past positions? How strong are your leaders, especially in training, encouraging, supporting and evaluating each of their team? In our “Great Reevaluation” blog post that describes today’s employment climate, worthy members of your organization reevaluating their future, and leaving for better opportunities, with perceived improvements in culture, compensation, and leadership.

Your organization’s potential for success in 2022 and beyond rests upon the strength of the people who serve your customers. If you’ve got a leaky organization, losing good team members to your competition, you’ll have an uphill battle.

Consider a complimentary PXT Select™ Performance Model Report, to identify the key requirements of a difficult role to recruit for your organization. We will work with you to develop or improve the job description, build a Performance Model Report, and describe the ultimate success factors that will articulate success to you and your top candidates. Reach out to us by calling 574-361-6166, or, and we will get to work with you immediately.