Goals vs. Intentions, and Removing Barriers to Success

Published on July 28, 2021

I read an interesting article by Tony Gambill on Forbes focused on the power of aligning intentions with goals. We’ve been frequently consumed with supply chain and labor shortages. There are actions to address these problems, albeit limited. The epiphany of this article is how we deal with the reality of our problems NOW.

We must ensure our intentions are aligned with our larger goals, AND avoid a reaction to barriers. Rather, the focus must be on the areas we can control. If the supply chain is limiting your available inventory, then sell what’s on the shelf. Manufacture what you can. Stay focused on what you CAN do, and not what you cannot do.

Most of our supply chain issues can be traced back to labor shortages. William Dunkelberg writes that almost 14 million workers are receiving some form of unemployment benefits, as opposed to the pre-pandemic 2 million or so. The enhanced benefits will end in September, having been signed into law with the CARES Act in March 2020. The labor shortage will end soon, and our supply chains will return to full capacity. As Kimball writes, it comes down to:
– Shifting the focus off barriers and towards what you hope to achieve
– Choosing actions that represent your values
– Living in harmony with your larger purpose
– Not reacting to temporary negative emotions

In the meantime, we must ensure our actions and intentions are focused on our longer term goals, and on controlling those areas we can, knowing many of our toughest barriers will “fall” away, by fall.

For more information, email Chuck or call 574-361-6166.