Pre-Hire Process is Really About Planning

Published on June 9, 2020

How frequently does the following happen? You have to fill a position because Ted is leaving, and in the rush to begin the process, you ask HR to post the job description to Indeed and quickly start screening applicants. Are you considering your pre-hire planning process?

How old is that job description? How has the position changed? How has your organization changed? How successful was Ted in his role, and why (or why not)? These are among the questions you should be asking yourself. To suggest some answers, we want to share a new blog entry from Wiley, the providers of our PXT Select™ assessment. Without a plan, what kind of success do you expect in any business initiative? Moreover, what is the cost of failure for a hiring project?

Besides reducing hiring mistakes and predicting more successful job candidates, we suggest there are other benefits in focusing on better pre-hire planning:

-> Clarifying position relevancy to organization success

-> Ensuring position restructuring occurs BEFORE hiring

-> Building better SMART goals and employee expectations

-> Displaying the importance of good job fit (for both employee and organization)

The pre-hire planning process should include an analysis of the position’s key performance indicators, best cultural fit, required behavioral and cognitive traits, role in providing customer value, and review of the job description. This foundational step in the recruiting and selection process will lead to better outcomes and more successful new employees.

To get prepared and have a detailed analysis of your recruiting and selection process, including your pre-hire planning, contact Chuck at (574-361-6166).