What is Organizational Rewilding for Strategic Planning?

Published on June 9, 2020

Organizational Rewilding for strategic planning is based upon the concept and application of nature rewilding. An example is the rebirth of Yellowstone Park. While the results have been controversial, the problems began when wolves were eradicated almost 100 years ago. The ecosystem began disintegrating at a rapid rate with the fast rise of elk herds, which ate most of the young trees, saplings and fauna. With the landscape out of balance, other species like beaver and birds could not thrive.

In the mid 1990’s, wolves were reintroduced. This missing element brought elk herds back under control. Fauna and forests began to stabilize and thrive, along with the species that needed them to live. While several wolves were killed by ranchers on land surrounding Yellowstone, the result was a success in bringing the park back to a healthier vitality.

There are parallels between nature and business organizations. Missing system elements create obstacles and foster problems in unseen ways. These parallels, such as: 1) complexity; 2) “it’s always been this way”; 3) obvious symptoms, but unclear solutions; 4) problems are not self-repairing; 5) unseen forces or missing elements are not obvious without diagnosis; and 6) depth of impact is often underestimated; are not easily overcome.

What are some of the diagnostic components?
* Quality and maturity of the basic building blocks at each of the 7 Stages of Growth
* Focus and priority of the organization in: People, Process, and Profit
* Implementation and maturity of business fundamentals (Non-Negotiable Rules)
* Alignment of leadership to the 24 classic business challenges
* Leadership styles appropriate to the size and stage of the business
* Impact of risk aversion vs. business building (Builder / Protector Ratio)
* The appropriate application of the CEO’s investment of time as a Visionary, Manager, or Specialist

At Hawthorne Services, we work with our partners at The ReWild Group. They provide many of the tools that permit us to be organizational and business experts! To learn more about Organizational Rewilding and it’s importance in strategic planning, contact Chuck at 574-361-6166.